Ask for FSC® certified products.
Forest Stewardship Council® - FSC® is a global non-profit organization promoting responsible and sustainable forest management worldwide, supported by major environmental organizations, including the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Greenpeace, and The Woodland Trust.
The Forest Stewardship Council's Chain Of Custody certification (FSC® Chain Of Custody Certification) system is based on traceability principles. It makes it possible to trace and identify timber products from responsibly managed forests. The certification is intended for companies that manufacture or trade in wood products, including paper manufacturers, traders, and printers.
We care about the future of all of us, so in 2017 the joint-stock company Vestchema was certified following the requirements of the FSC® Production Chain Certification Standard FSC-STD-40-004 V3-0 (License Code: FSC – C135983).